Hotel reservation link ($115 rate)
Please email us if there are no rooms available, we can add more.
Schedule of Invited and Contributed Talks: SCHEDULE
Schedule of Flash Talks: FLASH TALKS
Registration is still open: Register here.
Childcare grants: Contact us if you need to arrange for childcare during the conference.
Please join us for the 43rd annual Dynamics Days US conference, to be held in Denver, January 3-5, 2025.
Dynamics Days US 2025 will be hosted by the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Organizing Committee: Jim Meiss, Liz Bradley, Nancy Rodriguez, Zachary Kilpatrick, Juan G. Restrepo (chair) (University of Colorado at Boulder), Cecilia Diniz-Behn (Colorado School of Mines), David Albers (University of Colorado at Anschutz).
We acknowledge generous support from: